Friday, October 2, 2009

Photoshop is not propely work?

my photoshop is not propely work when photoshop opening this is a propely reading but not open but in the my geass photoshop work propely plese tell me what i do

Photoshop is not propely work?computers

Try reinstalling Photoshop. That works about 90% of the time for me.

Photoshop is not propely work?hijack this

If your computer is not working properly while you are working on it, it could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software.

Detailed instructions at
re install you are not telling us your computer values man

ram etc ave you really puchased the ting or hav u been caught out man whatever m/soft ees gud at man dae r gud at gettin tings two wurk so go bak to a time onde computa wen tings r wurkin propelly and retry den reinstal man
try a windows restore!
Try this program, its similar to Pho$hop but its free

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