Friday, October 2, 2009

Photoshop to html to server?

I'm designing a website on photoshop and I'm not sure where to go from there. Could someone in detail show me step by step what I do to get my photoshop images to html format and then using FireFTP upload them onto my existing server?

I need to know how to get my photoshop project to the right format for the web, where to put my files, what to name them, how to get them to show up on the website, ect.

Please help!

Photoshop to html to server?pc security

You will have to upload the image in some directory on your website, note down the path of the image, then create a html code for it

you will find the code here

Photoshop to html to server?symantic

^_^, not easy if u dont know how to html.

after ur done with the design u have to slice it and save it as a template, remember u just did the design u have to program now the site using dreamweaver or any realated program to html. and then u upload it to ur webserver. i hope that help u.

if u want info google for slice a website.

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